Molecule Air Bar, Sector 29

MOLECULE AIR BAR, SECTOR 29 Molecule How is your 2020 going?? Mine is rocking (story of my shaken up life). Hope everyone is doing great. So, here is my first blog after all the quarantine, lockdowns and unlocks that are making our travel plans suffer. Dream So, chalieye shuru krte hai explore krna another gem of Gurugram’s famous Sector 29. When it comes to food and drink Sector – 29 is one of my favourite places, here you’ve so many options to choose from and one of the must-try is “ Molecule Air Bar ”. In Love with Ambiance I recently visited this place. At first, I was a bit worried about the sanitization because of China but I was happy to see that they’re taking all the necessary precautions like masks, temperature check at the gates, sanitization of hands before entry and disinfection of all the tables after the customer leave before they let anyone occupy that table which was very comforting. Molecule Bar The place is very well lit with a dark theme, fancy lighting a...